Sunday, November 7, 2010

Card Games - Go Fish

The most basic game for all kids to learn is Go Fish!  I always love teaching this game to kids as they get excited when they start doing well.  I'm sure readers will know the basics of how to play but I change one thing.  Instead of having cards stacked in the middle, I make a "Go Fish Pond" where kids can pick any card they want.  It's just a small change but I think makes it a little bit more fun.

Also, how many times have you tried to play games with little ones and they just don't have the ability to hold their cards?  While on a job, I saw a family have a solution to this so I made a note to remember it.  I never found this "solution" in store so when my brother developed his hobby of wood-working I asked for his help.  I asked him to make me some "card-holders" for playing cards with kids.  Here's a couple pictures of the finished product.

Here are the card holders for you to see!

Here's how it looks when playing another person!
It's nice to just play and not see the other person's cards!

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