When it comes to planning activities for various families there are many factors to consider.
Do You Need to be Outside?
I've had jobs before where I was a Mom's Helper. During this job it was important for me to keep the children outside while the mom could make dinner, take care of a new baby, and do the laundry. When I would work this job I began to bring bubbles with me, have easy "outside crafts" like sidewalk chalk, or riding bikes.
Ages of the Children
The age range for children I have watched has been from about 5 months to 12 years old. The activities for different ages vary very much. Infants enjoy peek-a-boo and for development it's good to have tummy time around 5/6 months. Also, one family had Baby Einstein videos which it seemed the baby enjoyed from the colors and objects. Beginning activities I like are crafts, Play-doh, Memory or Go Fish. Older children might like more involved activities like Crayola Model Magic clay or games like Disney's Scrabble Jr, Monopoly, or Life.
Genders of the Children
I'll admit that for certain ages I do bring certain activities. When I have jobs for girls ages 3-8 I usually bring my Princess and Hello Kitty activities and games.
Girl Activities and Games!
When planning activities for boys I like to bring Toy Story books and games. Boys also like super heros and Transformers. I have found a lot of luck with large sticker books from Michaels or finding coloring books from either the Dollar Store, or 99 Cent store.
Boys Activities and Games
While in college, I had a child development class and we discussed gender neutral activities. I thought this made sense to have activities that could work for girls and boys. While working for a family I found Pirates, Harry Potter, and Star Wars to be pretty gender neutral. Stay tuned for information to come on my Pirate days!
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