Babysitting Vs. Nannying

This blog will use the terms babysitting and nannying interchangably.  Some families have distinct views about what they expect from a babysitter or from a nanny.  I have even had a family use the term "domestic manager."  All of these terms have different meanings and it's important to be clear on what the family expects from a job so everyone is on the same page.

All of these job titles expect a few common tasks when working.  You should always expect to clean up whatever games, activities, or crafts you do with the children while you are there.  Also, you should make an effort to do the dishes.  Some households have certain rules about washing knives, pots, and pans so ask if you're unsure.  Some parents may tell you to only worry about the dishes you use while you are there and that's very nice to have done for the family.

Lets discuss the other job expectations:
  • Babysitter - Everything listed above under the common job requirements.
  • Nanny - Everything listed above under common job requirements.  However, this position is starting to get more involved in giving children baths, driving children to activities, doing laundry for the family, and cooking meals.
  • Domestic Manager - Everything listed above as a babysitter and as a nanny.  This position again expands to include more tasks.  The family who hired me for this position expected me to pack the children for family vacations, cook meals for the family, and assist with other household chores.
As the job requirements expand, it should be expected the compensation for the job should expand as well but that could be explained in another post.